One-On-One Help for Better Eating.

Nutrition counseling to help you get healthy and enjoy food again. We’ll help you eat with confidence, feel better, and stay healthy.
Weight Loss
Diabetes Management
Women's Health
Heart Health
Meal Planning
Weight Stability
Personalized Nutrition Advice So You Can Learn To Manage Your Health.
The key to our one-on-one approach is personalization. We’ll guide you to an understanding of your own behavior and help you learn the basics of nutrition so you can manage them on your own, for good.

Eat With Confidence

We teach the basics of nutrition and help you set the right limits to your eating, relying on your own body’s cues for satisfaction.

Maintain Energy

We’ll help you maintain your nutrition so you are properly fed and maintain energy levels throughout the whole day.

Stay Healthy

We will help you change things for good so you can lose the label “chronic dieter.” You’ll learn to manage your health on your own.

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Single Session

1 Session (60min)

Online or in person
This one-hour session covers an initial meeting to assess overall health and wellness. We will review medical and diet history, typical food intake, and physical activity habits. Then we'll develop an individualized nutrition plan and create realistic and attainable health and nutrition goals. 

This is a great option for those who want an introduction to my nutrition services.
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7 weeks • 4 sessions (45-60min)

Online or in person
Best for learning new strategies for success and reviving healthy habits. This package includes an initial session plus three follow-up meetings to discuss the challenges and successes related to your individualized plan. It will provide accountability and give opportunities to set goals and stay on track. 

This option is suitable for those seeking weight loss or help with health and nutrition-related concerns.
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Monthly Subscription

Every two weeks or once a month

Online or in person
Best for those who want ongoing, long-term accountability. After completing the Foundation, these meetings will help you learn to eat without judgment or anxiety. This plan can help manage obesity, break the yo-yo dieting cycle, alleviate obsession about food and body weight, and address long-term health and nutrition concerns.

Meet once a month: $50 per month
Meet every two weeks: $100 per month

Available after completing the Foundation.
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About Kelsey
A few simple sit down talks can make all the difference for your health. Together we can craft a solution that fits your needs.
I fell in love with nutrition when I was just a girl. What began as an enjoyable hobby to help my family eat healthy delicious smoothies has turned into my profession. After studying Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise at Virginia Tech, I completed my Dietetic Internship at the University of Delaware and became a registered dietitian in 2017.

A Richmond native, I moved to Roanoke with my husband in 2015 and have three delightful boys and a golden retriever pup. When I’m not talking nutrition, you can find me on the basketball court, spending time with my dear church family, or at the lake.
“Maintaining healthy nutrition can be a simple but powerful thing in one’s life. Anyone can do it, they just need to see how it’s done.”
Kelsey Shaughnessy, RDN

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Nutrition counseling to help you get healthy and enjoy food again. We’ll help you eat with confidence, feel better, and stay healthy.
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